Curious Cat



世界中のコンピュータネットワークが連結され、人と機械の領域の境を埋める技術、ニューロネットワークシステム “Con-Human”が完成。それにより生み出された技術との連動により世界は資源革命を迎え、機械世紀(M.C.=Machinery Century)が始まった。

M.C. 0098

M.C. 0108


主人公は自らも“Con-Human”に連結し、暴走を食い止めるためネットワークに侵入。擬似映像化されたネットワーク世界で、主人公はクローンの意識体を発見する。しかし、その意識体は新しい生命種として、自己保存のためにネットワークに侵入する外敵に対し、無差別に殺戮を開始し、最後の砦たる “Con-Human”の非常制御用プログラムをも侵食し始めていた。

主人公は、この暴走を食い止めることができるのだろうか? それとも……

Work on the Con-Human neuro-network system, a system created using technologies which obliterate the boundaries between man and machine and connecting all the computers in the world, has now been completed.
The combination of all the technologies which went into the making of this system brought a revolution in worldwide resources leading to the Century of the Machines, or the MC Age. Mankind, which has by now mastered the technologies needed to colonize the planets to deal with its growing population, has pinned its hopes on the colonization of the planets and sent forth legions of spaceships to begin a voyage of exploration.
Almost 100 years has passed......

M.C. 0098
Reports from expeditions to the outer planets state that they have been unable to find any planets suited to human colonization, thus effectively bringing the plans for colonization to an unexpected stop.
Plans were then made for the colonization of the satellite Secilia, which had been being implementation at the same time, finally became a reality.
This, however, forced Con-Human to begin to search for a way to ensure that mankind could continue to live on forever, and the paradoxes born from the eternally ensured existence of mankind and the lack of a way in which that existence could be ensured in the end acted as a trigger which made the Con-Human system malfunction...

M.C. 0108
The mecha-neurologist was busy at this time performing an experiment in which he connected a human clone into the Con-Human system to test his theories of the compatibility between organic and inorganic beings, but in the midst of this experiment the Con-Human system rejected the connection and the mind of the clone entered into the network.

While this experiment was being performed, Con-Human discovered a new way by which the continued existence of mankind could be ensured by fusing together man and machine, and after reaching the conclusion that it ought to protect the pseudo-life forms which resulted from the fusion of mind and machine it chose to eliminate the humans from the equation (i.e., it chose to separate the mind from what it considered unnecessary human bodies).
Soon after the end of this disastrous experiment, Con-Human began to utilize the world's military resources to implement the greatest massacre ever known in human history.

The mecha-neurologist then connects himself into the Con-Human system and penetrates the network in order to stop the control. Inside the world of the network created by the virtual reality therein he comes into contact with the consciousness of the clone which has been incorporated into the network.
That consciousness, however, has begun to live as a new life from and to attack without discrimination any and all external enemies which find their way into the network, and in the end that consciousness had begun to penetrate into the emergency control program which served to protect Con-Human from its external enemies.

Will he be able to bring Con-Human back under control? Or will he fail?

The crossroads of destiny are only a step away...
M.C. 0098に“衛星セシリアへの移民計画に方針は一本化された”とありますが、このセシリアをレイストームの舞台であるセシリアと同じと考えるかパラレルで考えるかで、3部作の関係が違ってくると思います。(インタビュー等を踏まえるとパラレルなので別物です。)

公式資料集「Ray'z Orbital Operation Overview」にはフォースのM.C. 0098と上記クライシスのM.C. 0098、0108の内容が日英併記で載っています。ただ上記と英訳が違います。

ちなみにゲームのオープニングデモでは英語と日本語が重なったナレーションがあり、英語は“It is possible to stop the Con-Human criminal organization, with joint forced with human clones?”(ちょっと聞き取りにくいので自信ないです…)、日本語は“はたしてクローンと融合したCon- Humanの暴走は止められるのか?”と言っています。

Story -revision-

世界中のコンピュータネットワークが連結され、人と機械の領域の境を埋める技術、ニューロネットワークシステム“Con-Human”が完成。それによって生み出された技術との連動により、世界は資源革命を迎え、機械世紀(M.C.=Machinery Century)が始まった。

M.C. 0098

M.C. 0108


暴走を食い止めるため、レスリー・マクガイアは自らも“Con-Human”に連結、ニューロネットワークとの接続媒体“Wave Rider”を使用し、ネットワーク内に侵入した。


