Curious Cat



M.C. 0108

生き残った人類は、外惑星連合宇宙軍による人類移住計画を発案選択。“Con-Human” から制空権の掌握をおこない、母星を放棄。全人類が脱出することを決定した。

M.C. 0120
“Con-Human”は環境を自らに適合させていったため、地上の大気酸素含有量は 0.0001%以下、平均気温-10℃にまで達していた。

M.C. 0123

M.C. 0130
20年間にわたる抵抗の末、ようやく制空権を手に入れた人類は、以前から建造していた 500隻の移住艦と“Con-Human”の制御下から逃れた軌道艦260隻を加え母星を脱出した。

M.C. 0183
人類は“Con-Human”の存在を全生命体にとっての脅威と判断、母星の完全破壊を決断する。そして、第一次惑星攻略戦(OPERATION METEOR)がおこなわれるが、作戦は失敗し、艦隊の70%を失う。

M.C. 0185

M.C. 0108
The massacre of the human race began as a result of the breakdown of the Con-Human system.
The human population fell to just 0.2 percent of its original figure of some 13 billion to reach a figure of only 26 million souls.
Mankind, which had survived and escaped complete control by the network by executing the emergency code on the system, had been forced to leave the ravaged surface of the planet and to hide instead in underground cities...

The remaining humans decided to begin a plan for the colonization of the outer planets with the aid of the Deep Space Allied Armies.
After gaining control of the skies from Con-Human, mankind began to leave behind its mother planet.
Every man, woman, and child on the planet had decided to escape.

M.C. 0120
Con-Human had altered the environment of the planet to meet its own needs, thus bringing the oxygen content of the atmosphere to a level of under 0.0001 percent and the average surface temperature of the planet down to a level of -10℃.

M.C. 0123
The humans discovered that Con-Human had begun recreating the planet from its very center.
Below the surface of the planet the planet's crust and the underlying magma layer no longer existed; in its place the only things which could be found were a metallic frame and the sounds of power furnaces.

M.C. 0130
After a long battle of 20 years and regaining the skies, mankind escaped from its birthplace in 500 colonization ships built in past years and 260 orbital vessels which had escaped from the rule of Con-Human.
Yet many humans unable to leave the planet of their birth chose to fight instead and regain control of their mother planet.
Those who chose to fight were faced with a fearsome struggle for their continued existence against the evolving and awesome powers of the Con-Human system.

M.C. 0183
Having judged that the very existence of the Con-Human system posed a threat to all forms of life, mankind decided to utterly destroy its mother planet.
Although this led to Operation Meteor, (the first plan to destroy the planet), the venture ended in the destruction of 70 percent of the attacking fleets.

M.C. 0185
We managed to separate the human clone from the Con-Human computer environment, but we could still not stop the violence generated by the Con-Human.
Can we call the Con-Human and human clone a new life creation?
Are we supposed to be destroy by this creature?

The humans who are fighting against their ominous fate will use their latest strategy resulting in Operation RAYFORCE.
レイクライシスの各エンディングのバックに流れる英文をまとめたものです。ゲーメストやPS版攻略本にも日本語訳つきで載っています。ただゲーメストには一部間違いがあり、攻略本にはM.C. 0120~0123が載っていません。
M.C. 0185の文はグッドEDのみ(英語+日本語ナレーションつき)に、M.C. 0120とM.C. 0123の文はバッドEDのみに流れます。

公式資料集「Ray'z Orbital Operation Overview」にはM.C. 0108、0130、0183、0185の内容が日英併記で載っています。ただ上記と英訳が違います。

ちなみにアーケードでは、ノーマルEDの最後は“Are we supposed to be destroyed?(我々は滅ぶべき存在なのか?)”、バッドEDは“...but this is only the beginning.(だが、これは始まりにすぎない)”という文で締めくくられています。

PS版では、バッドEDは“Con-human's invasion could not be stopped and neither could they escape.「作戦遂行中にCon-humanの侵食に完全に飲み込まれ、脱出どころか、存在さえも失ってしまった」”、ノーマルEDは “Because of a tactical delay, the Con-human society cannot be stopped. It is obvious that humans will soon die out.「作戦遂行の遅れによりCon-humanの暴走は止まらず、人類絶滅の危機回避は絶望的となった」”“Con-human's headquarters must be successfully invaded within 5 attempts or humankind will have no chance.「中枢を消去し、機能停止させCon-humanの侵食を完全に食い止めるまでには5回以内での作戦遂行が必要だったのだ」”と出てきます。
そして 両方の最後に“Challenge the Con-human organization once more and enter into another world.「もう一度挑戦し、違う運命に進む事を願っている」”とあります。

OPERATION METEOR” “M.C.0183 September 3 AM 0:00
M.C.0185 December 24 AM 0:08” “IN ORBITING SATELLITE
M.C.0185 December 24 AM 2:00” “LAUNCH AT FLAGSHIP
“Operation METEOR”は(M.C. 0183)9月3日 AM 0:00に決行、“Operation RAYFORCE”は(M.C. 0185)12月24日 AM 0:08に衛星上に艦隊が集結、AM 2:00にX-LAYが発進していることが読み取れます。午前2時はフォース【Mission】でも設定されています。